

How to Connect Multiple Evaporator Coils in a Single Split System Air Conditioner

How to Connect Multiple Evaporator Coils in a Single Split System Air Conditioner

If you have a single split system air conditioner unit , then you should not need to add more evaporator coils into the system. The s...
Manual de Conductos de Aire Acondicionado PDF

Manual de Conductos de Aire Acondicionado PDF

Link para descargar Importante:  Para una descarga Exitosa  Se debe esperar 5 segundos y darle al b...
Can I replace refrigerant with an alternative refrigerant, for example, hydrocarbons (HC) in my air conditioner?

Can I replace refrigerant with an alternative refrigerant, for example, hydrocarbons (HC) in my air conditioner?

Ontario’s current regulations apply to refrigerants that contain chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ), hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ) and...
Electronica Basica para Ingenieros PDF

Electronica Basica para Ingenieros PDF

Link para Descargar Importante:  Para una descarga Exitosa  Se debe esperar 5 segundos y darle al bot...
Electricity For Refrigeration! Why Is LRA Important?

Electricity For Refrigeration! Why Is LRA Important?

When discussing electricity for refrigeration and how it effects compressors, you must understand lock rotor amps ( LRA ). If you che...
Manual de refrigeracion Comercial PDF

Manual de refrigeracion Comercial PDF

Link Para Descargar Sino pudiste descarlo, Aqui los Pasos Para Descargar tu PDF Exitosamente:  ...
Internal flushing is critical for coils

Internal flushing is critical for coils

The industry is increasing its awareness of the importance of coil cleanliness in refrigeration systems. Compressor manufacturers ha...
Curso de Refrigeracion Domestica "Reparaciones 2/2" PDF

Curso de Refrigeracion Domestica "Reparaciones 2/2" PDF

Link para descargar: Importante:  Para una descarga Exitosa  Se debe esperar 5 segundos y darle al bo...
Filtros secadores de líquido

Filtros secadores de líquido

Los filtros secadores empleados en sistemas de refrigeración de gran capacidad deben estar dimensionados de acuerdo a la cantidad de ...
What is the Inverter technology in air conditioners?

What is the Inverter technology in air conditioners?

The Inverter technology (DC) is the latest evolution of technology concerning the electro motors of the compressors. An Inverter ...
Software Para la Seleccion de Tubos Capilares

Software Para la Seleccion de Tubos Capilares

Link para descargar: Descargar : Descarga este programa e instalalo en t...
Curso de Refrigeracion Domestica "Reparaciones 1/2 y 2/2" PDF

Curso de Refrigeracion Domestica "Reparaciones 1/2 y 2/2" PDF

Parte 1 Te recuerdo que debes usar tu computador o un portatil para descargar el PDF, Evita usar tu Celular o Smartphone para...
Tu compresor hace ruido?

Tu compresor hace ruido?

Hola amigos, muchas veces nos encontramos con sistemas que hacen  mucho ruido y dan golpes secos cuando arrancan y cuando se detiene ...
Refrigeration Basics Quiz Questions

Refrigeration Basics Quiz Questions

Hi everyone, This section consists of tests related to NATE (North American Technician Excellence) practice tests. Each quiz consists of ab...
Clean-up Procedure for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Clean-up Procedure for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Lubricant-refrigerant mixture breakdown causes sludge formation and other corrosive materials that will hinder the normal operation ...
The Crc HandBook of Mechanical Engineering "Second Edition" PDF

The Crc HandBook of Mechanical Engineering "Second Edition" PDF

Download: Important: You must wait 5 seconds and push the yellow button "Skip Advertising" and...
Solenoid Valve How It Works (+VIDEO)

Solenoid Valve How It Works (+VIDEO)

What is a Solenoid Valve? A solenoid valve is an electromechanical device used for controlling liquid or gas flow. The solenid va...
7 important guidelines for split AC installation

7 important guidelines for split AC installation

The installation of the split air conditioners is a crucial job. If the installation is done accurately your air conditioner will giv...
Carga de Refrigerante con Cilindro Dosificador

Carga de Refrigerante con Cilindro Dosificador

El cilindro dosificador de carga graduado es una herramienta de taller que permite dosificar con gran precisión una carga de refrige...